Everyone’s favorite weather girl

Magda Palimariu, Pro TV

Magda remains our go to weather girl. We never get tired of her predictions.

Magda Palimariu, Pro TV

Magda Palimariu, Pro TV

Magda Palimariu, Pro TV

How do you like Magda Palimariu?

Magda Palimariu, Pro TV

More TV caps with Magda Pălimariu after the break.


  1. Hi. I love your website. Incredible work you do.
    Will you ever share also the videos of all the posts you made?


    • We did that, until Google removed our channel. 🙂

      • That’s So Sad to hear this. You have A LOT – and I mean it – of superb videos uploaded.. Were they removed by copyright rights or something like this ? Is there any chance to re-post those – even privately – ? I would pay some money for such thing, and I am sure I am not the only one..

        Anyway, Great, Great Job Hunter, you make us tremendously happy each time checking new posts. 😉
        Also, what about the old pics ? Same issues with the copyrights ? You really have a BIG database of them, I enjoyed them a lot, now I could only see a lot of empty pages instead. Is there any chance to re-post those – even privately – ?
        Thx again for your reply! And all the best!

        • How come I did not say anything about one of the most beautiful weather presenter all time seen Magda Palimariu ?? I like that she started to go back to the old way of choosing her garderobe, I am pretty sure I am not the only one that I like this.
          Super Job Hunter, We would like to see more!! 🙂

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